
eLesson 1

What is coercion ?

Coercion means using force or threats to get someone to do something that they would not otherwise do.


Threatening to hurt someone unless they give you $100

Threatening to reveal a secret about someone unless they give you $100

Causing someone to engage in sexual activity in order to obtain/keep a job or receive allowances, medicine, or other free benefits

eLesson on Coercion:

4 mins left

Why should you care about coercion?

Puts individuals at risk of harm, physically or professionally

Conceals irregularities or the misuse of grant funds

Demonstrates a disregard of policies and procedures

Discredits the ability of the Global Fund to carry out its mission

eLesson on Coercion:

3 mins left

How do you spot Coercion?

Coercion can have the following red flags:

Individuals are threatened either physically or psychologically

Processes are influenced to achieve particular results and to favor certain individuals or entities

Employees are retaliated against for challenging the actions of line managers or other superiors

Employees are discouraged, or are not given the opportunity to speak out and report non-compliance

Procedures for reporting irregularities do not exist or are ineffective

Applicable policies and procedures do not exist or are not made available

eLesson on Coercion:

1 min left

Case study on Coercion

Read case examples of coercion from the Office of the Inspector General archives

eLesson on Coercion:

1 min left

Related case studies

eLesson on Coercion:

1 min left


Is this coercion?



A supplier offers a bribe to a procurement officer in order to obtain a contract.
A community worker tells a patient that they will only receive treatment if they engage in sex acts.
A patient is denied access to treatment because they are HIV+.

What our leaders of integrity say: