
eLesson 4

What is fraud?

Fraud means providing false or misleading information for personal gain


Claiming travel expenses for a trip you did not go on

Using a company credit card for personal purchases

Providing false data or information

eLesson on fraud:

5 mins left

Why should you care about fraud?

Fraud reduces the amount of Global Fund money available for medicines and important program services

Fraud results in higher prices of medicines and supplies

Fraud results in the supply of sub-standard products and medicines

Fraud results in medicine shortages due to theft or non-delivery

eLesson on fraud:

5 mins left

How do you spot fraud?

Fraud has the following red flags:

Falsifying supporting documents such as invoices, accounting records or signatures

A supplier is located in a residential house and has no internet website

A supplier has the same address and/or phone number as a project staff

An unknown small supplier wins large contracts

The country of origin of the goods supplied differs from the tender or purchase documents

Bidding documents are poorly prepared and/or appear fake

Borrowing project money for personal use or unexplained money transfers

Using project equipment and supplies for personal use

A staff or contractor seems to enjoy sudden wealth or appears to live beyond his or her means

A supplier did not deliver the number, type and/or brand of equipment and supplies ordered

New products and equipment do not work or break down easily and frequently

Fewer products, equipment and/or inventory stocks are found than were purchased

Constant unexplained shortages of medicine stocks

Suspicious-looking documentation supporting a purchase of goods or expense claim

Relatives of management are frequently hired

Staff and contractors are hired who are not qualified for the job

Employment history or work experience cannot be verified

eLesson on fraud:

5 mins left

Case study on fraud

Real case studies on fraud from our archives

eLesson on fraud:

5 mins left


Is this fraud?



A supplier sends a procurement officer an expensive gift. The procurement officer then awards a contract to the supplier.
A patient is denied access to treatment because they are HIV+.
Programmatic data is falsified, to inflate the number of patients on treatment